Wednesday, August 1, 2012



From the chin down no man is worth much more than a dollar or two a day. Even what we do with our hands depends for its value on the amount of sense we use.
We can train and improve our mind as well as our fingers. Mental laziness is the most common disease.
Put in a certain amount of time every day at making our brain more efficient. Let’s read. Let’s study. Let’s think. Let’s not fritter away all our spare time. It’s all habit. We can get used to hard study as well as to hard work. And it pays. Let’s improve ourselves from the chin up.


As a habit and as part of personal hygiene, taking a bath twice a day especially during summer is a must and should be inviolable. To prevent sunburn when collecting recycled wastes, we must protect our skin with lotion (Jergen). A regular perfume (preferably Calvin Klein and Bvlgari) is also necessary.
I believe that cleaning up is more vital than dressing up. The most important thing in the world is to get rid of the waste. The salvation of the office is the waste basket.
The salvation of the home is the scrubbing brush. The salvation of the body is efficient elimination. The salvation of the soul is keeping dirt out of the imagination.
In the house of death there is the smell of cologne, in the hospital there is the odor of disinfectant. Because the cleansing processes of life are secret, private and not to be mentioned or witnessed they are all the more sacredly essential.
The bacilli of Nature are the wrath of God that awaits for the unclean. The devil’s other name is Dirt.

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