Saturday, December 19, 2015

Guard my heart and mind, Lord!

I pray to Almighty Father that His peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard my heart and mind.
God the Father continue to guide me when I write and do a research; when I deal with complex issues in society; when I use my pen to criticize and expose bellicose and uncouth characters in government and the underworld. 
I am aware, Lord, that I sometimes make people laugh; sometimes I make them cry; some are disappointed if not agitated by my dyed-in-the-wool convictions to reform the society and save it from evil through my write-ups.
I choose to think on good things because I love life and desire to see many good days. 
As a community journalist, I will keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies. I will turn from evil and do good; I will seek peace and pursue it. In my heart I have planned my course, and I look to You, Lord, to determine my steps. 
Lord, Your peace will act as umpire in my heart and will settle with finality all my decisions. You will keep me in perfect peace, Father, for my mind is stayed on You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

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