Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A cultured person

The highest possible stage in moral culture
is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.

- Charles Darwin

NEW YORK CITY -- A cultured, truly educated person is not one who knows as much as is in the encyclopedia, but is one whose knowledge -- great or small -- is in order.
The man with the most efficient education is not the one who knows things; he is the one who knows where to go to find out about them.
I am proud to state that I do not know what selenium is and I do not know the names of the bones of the human body.


Why should I mess my intellect up with this knowledge for which I have no use?
My fight is to keep books out of my library, to keep papers off my desk, to keep new furniture from being brought into the house, and to keep from eating what I cannot digest.
The eternal struggle is against the superfluous. For superfluity kills more people than poverty.

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