Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Skirmishes set aside

“When any calamity has been suffered the first thing to be remembered is, how much has been escaped.”

—Samuel Johnson


By Alex P. Vidal


ONLY calamities and bad weathers like the recent super typhoon Carina, which also bundled out Taiwan after the Philippines, could temporarily zipper the mouths of feuding politicians.

When nature commanded, mudslinging and character assassinations—from local to national levels—couldn’t occupy the front seats as Filipinos living in areas where the powerful typhoon struck have been heavily tormented and inconvenienced.

Between listening to the squabbles of Marites politicians and saving their own lives and limbs—including their family members and properties, Filipinos have opted for the latter.

Flash floods also made matters worse as the local government units’ disaster coordinating councils and health offices scrambled to save lives and prevent the spread of water borne diseases. These heroic rescue and emergency missions have hogged headlines.

Even the most important and salient messages in President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos’s speech, watched by millions of Filipinos on July 22, weren’t immediately digested by those who wanted to further expound them.

The super howler virtually denied the opposition the leverage to belittle or take potshots at Mr. Marcos Jr.’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) in a sustained and wider scale when killer Carina grabbed the headlines by showing all and sundry who’s the boss.




FORMER Iloilo board member Pablito Araneta has identified Iloilo fifth district Rep. Raul “Boboy” Tupas, Miag-ao Mayor Oscar “Richard” Garin, and Iloilo second district Rep. Michael “Mike” Gorriceta to be the potential rivals in the 2025 Iloilo gubernatorial election.

Araneta, who hails from the fourth district of Iloilo, didn’t confirm if a member of the Biron clan will also run for vice governor next year.

The biggest political clans in Iloilo today are: Defensor, Garin, Biron, and Tupas.

Iloilo Governor Arthur “Toto” Defensor Jr. will reportedly run for the third and last term in 2025 and has forged an alliance with the Garins and the Gorricetas.

The Garins thought they made a wise political investment in collaborating with Defensor in the 2025 local election thinking the clever governor would pave the way for the clan from the first district in the 2028 gubernatorial race.

What they didn’t anticipate is that the governor and his brother, Iloilo 3rd district Rep. Lorenz, might switch positions when the governor’s term expires in 2028 (assuming he will be reelected in 2025).




Below is the email I received June 23 from New York Governor Kathy Hochul, which also sent to other New Yorkers:

Alex, Summer is in full swing, and it’s time for New Yorkers to get offline and get outside! Whether you’re relaxing with friends and family, firing up the grill for a barbecue, or hiking or swimming in one of our amazing State Parks, it really is the best time of the year in New York.

When I was growing up in Western New York, summer meant getting outside, playing sports and games, and going swimming with friends — not staying inside held captive to a cell phone.

Like so many parents across the state, I want all New York kids to have that opportunity. I want to help kids be kids. This summer, that’s exactly what we’re doing.

In June, I signed nation-leading legislation to protect New York kids on social media and combat the addictive algorithms that are harming their mental health. But we know that supporting the physical and emotional well-being of our kids goes beyond what happens on their smartphones.

That’s why we launched Get Offline, Get Outside — a new effort to help New Yorkers, and especially our kids, put down those phones and have fun this summer. It includes: 

Launching NY SWIMS, a historic, $150 million investment to expand access to safe swimming across New York by building pools in underserved communities, helping recruit more lifeguards, expanding swim lesson opportunities, and more. 

Expanding access to State Parks by opening the Big Bend Preserve at Moreau Lake State Park and making sure everyone, regardless of their access to a credit card, can access the breathtaking sites across New York.

Waiving admission fees at State Park pools so that more families can have a fun, safe swimming experience this summer.

Supporting youth sports teams in New York City and making it easier for our kids to make lifelong memories.

And along with these actions, we're spreading the word about other ways that New Yorkers can get out and enjoy the outdoors. With our work, we’re not just fighting for the mental health of all of our children — we’re bringing families closer together starting this summer.

I want to hear from you: Let me know how you’re getting offline and getting outside! Ever Upward, Gov. Kathy Hochul

(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two daily newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed)

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