Wednesday, August 14, 2024

LGU asked to recognize wartime historical site

“One's heritage and roots is something to be proud of and cherished.”

—Sonja Morgan


By Alex P. Vidal

THE scion of a prominent family in Concepcion, Iloilo in the Philippines has requested Concepcion Mayor Milliard Villanueva in a letter to help recognize a local property used by Filipino soldiers as foxholes during the World War II in 1942-1945 in Barangay Batiti.

“This site holds great importance to our local history and community,” wrote Aurea Borres-Canong, whose parents used to own the property now being developed “for its historical value and for purposes of tourism and preservation of our past.”

“My parents’ house played a crucial role in protecting the local community during a time of great danger,” explained Borres-Canong. “The soldiers’ decision to dig foxholes at my parents’ property had provided a safe haven for the community and showcased the resourcefulness and bravery of those who lived through that era. In fact, my parents offered their house to the soldiers.”

She said they have started developing the site by cleaning and digging the two foxholes that are already covered with debris and soil.




Guerrilla resistance, consisted of a diverse cast of Filipino men and women, ethnic and indigenous minorities, American and European immigrants and soldiers, young and old, rich and poor, from farmer to politician, had been felt in Iloilo province and other municipalities in Panay during the World War II.

“It's essential to acknowledge and remember the sacrifices of those who suffered (during the World War II),” Borres-Canong suggested.

“By sharing their stories and preserving its historical value to ensure that their memories will live on and serve as a reminder of the importance of peace, justice and human rights.”

She explained that “the Philippine suffered greatly under the Japanese occupation and many innocent lives were lost due to violence and brutal treatment.”

On their part, Borres-Canong said “they are now making great progress with great love, compassion patience and handwork to make this happen in His time! To God be the glory.”

By sharing the story to the Ilonggo community, as well as to the whole nation, Borres-Canong said she believes “it can help the memories of that period stay alive and provide valuable insights into the experiences of those who lived through World War II in the Philippines.”




The various units of Philippine guerrillas, their tactics, military resources, and vigor to survive and end the Japanese maltreatment of the Philippine peoples paint the Pacific Theater from 1941-1945 as desperate, dark, and bloody for Asian communities throughout East and Southeast Asia.

But their resourcefulness, cooperative efforts to collaborate and network with General MacArthur across the South Pacific, and massive grassroots liberation movement directly point to the remarkable value that the Philippine Underground Resistance proved to be in aiding the Allies' ability to retake the Pacific.

Meanwhile, aside from the LGU in Concepcion, Iloilo, the Borres and Canong families in the fifth district of Iloilo are also trying to explore the guidance and possibly collaborate with the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), Department of Tourism (DoT), National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), National Commission for Culture & Arts (NCCA), private foundations like the Ayala Foundation that supports cultural heritage and education projects, as well as the Philippine Heritage Society that advocates for heritage conservation; and International Organization (UNESCO).




The latest news in the 2024 US presidential election was interesting. Former President Donald Trump continued to describe Vice President Kamala Harris' elevation to the top of the Democratic ticket as "unconstitutional" and accused her of taking part in a "coup."

No serious effort was underway to challenge Harris' status as the Democratic nominee but some of Trump's critics warned that he could be laying the groundwork to question the outcome of the 2024 election if he loses a second time.

CNN has reported that “the Democratic National Committee made it official last week: Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz are the party nominees for president and vice president, respectively.”

It may be recalled that delegates held a virtual roll call ahead of the convention, with Harris receiving 99 percent of the votes from those who participated. Republicans have acknowledged that after the DNC vote, there is no longer any path to challenge Harris' placement on ballots.

(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two daily newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed)

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