Wednesday, April 23, 2014

G.R. are you a Trojan horse?

G.R. are you a Trojan horse?

"We are only falsehood, duplicity, contradiction; we both conceal and disguise ourselves from ourselves." BLAISE PASCAL

By Alex P. Vidal

Long ago--more than 3,000 years--a band of Greek princes and heroes made a war on the city of Troy, in Asia Minor.
They laid siege to the city, but the Trojans were not easily beaten and the war went on for 10 years. It might not have ended even then had not Odysseus, the cleverest of the Greeks, devised a scheme to overthrow the city.
The Greeks pretended that they were giving up the siege and began making preparations to leave. One of the things that they did was to build a gigantic wooden horse. They left this on the shore, and then went on board their ships and sailed away.


When the Trojans saw the Greek warriors depart, there was great rejoicing. Believing the horse to be a luck offering to the gods, they opened their gates and hauled the horse inside as a prize of victory.
During the night, however, when the feasting was over and the Trojans were asleep, a door was opened in the side of the hollow wooden animal and out crept a band of Greeks who had been concealed inside. These men opened the gates of the city and let in the main army of the Greeks, who had sailed back again as soon as darkness had fallen.
Thus Troy was captured and destroyed.


Long ago the blind poet of ancient Greece, Homer, told about the Trojan horse in his Odyssey. Even today the name is applied to a person or persons who get inside enemy territory and help outside forces to get in and conquer it.
Gigi Reyes, are you a Trojan horse?

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