SAVING OUR PLANET: Club stains away. To keep fresh stains from sinking deep into clothes, immediately apply a little carbonated water bubbles up the stain and the salts keep the color from sticking. Then wash as normal.
SAVING OUR PLANET: Bake off stains. for hard-to-beat, stubborn stains on our kitchen surfaces, let's dampen a sponge and apply baking powder, then wipe cleans as normal. The abrasive powder will get rid of most stains, but if the mark remains, let's try re-soaking the stain with a solution of baking powder instead.
SAVING OUR PLANET: Let's make our own polish. Most mass-produced polishes contain solvents that are harmful to the environment. Many of them come in aerosol sprays, which are wasteful and contain harmful gases.
SAVING OUR PLANET: Let's refresh naturally. Instead of chemical plug-in air refreshners, let's place a few slices of citrus fruit such as lemon or orange in a sauceapan, together with a few cloves. Simmer the mixture gently for an hour or so to refresh the smell of our house.
SAVING OUR PLANET: Don't dispose. Whenever we can, let's swap our throw-away, disposable items for reusable versions. We won't have to pay out over and over again plus we will avoid contributing to landfill.
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